There's three "competitions" that students participate in every FBLA season; regionals, state, and
Regional Competitions:
The regional "competition" will not involve you going to any particular conference. If you decide to
take a competitive event (as in studying for, and taking a test), you will likely test sometime in
late November / early December, with the RCE awards streaming just before winter break. This is a
fairly simple process; council members will release a form to register for your choice of competitive
events on a first-come-first-serve basis, and those testing will stay after school from 3:30 to 4:30
to take their respective competitive event.
State Competitions:
If you are testing at the state level, congratulations! You qualified through the regional levels, or
you decided to participate in a straight to state event. At the state level, things get a bit more
complicated. Those taking objective tests will test again at school, this time in a more rigorous,
harder test. It will be in the same format as the regional competitive event tests you took. However,
everyone that chooses to test at the state level is mandated (as of the new guidelines imposed 2022)
to travel to the State Leadership Conference in Harrah's Resort, Atlantic City, NJ. You will be paired
up with roommates of your choice (in rooms of 4) over the course of 3 days and 2 nights. If you are
presenting a straight-to-state event, it will occur here. More information will be released on the
website and through our google classroom when the time comes closer to join.
National Competition:
If you made it here, congrats! It's a huge feat to accomplish and definitely one you should be proud
of. You placed top 4 in the whole state of New Jersey to get to this level, and that's no easy task.
The National Leadership Conference happening this year in Atlanta, Georgia, will be likely the biggest
experience of your life (and maybe even stressful). That's totally okay, but make sure you have fun
during your week-long (maybe even longer) stay at this resort. You will test during the conference
itself (with all the resources necessary provided to you, so don't worry about that). It will be a
difficult test if you're taking a competitive event, or a harshly-scored presentation (if it's a
presentation event). Just remember that you should try your best, and see if things work out in your
favor. Towards the end of the conference, you will find out the winners of the top 10 students all
over the country in that event! Good luck!
If you have any other questions regarding how conferences work, please feel free to contact Aditya
or any of the other council members to help you out!